Take a Sneak Peek at "Isn't She a Doll?"The La Veta Gallery on Main will be open for ART WALK on Friday evening, July 24, 5:00 - 7:30 PM.
I started making dolls when we lived in Huerfano County, so I was really pleased when The La Veta Gallery invited me to exhibit a special collection of work this summer. My exhibit plan changed several times over the spring months I designed an interactive game and later a "Shelter at Home" doll house, and then set both ideas aside. I completed several larger, difficult-to-ship dolls that ended up staying home with me. I hope the time will come to make and enjoy these pieces. Mary and Karen at The La Veta Gallery used the dolls I was able to send them. Thank you both for creating an imaginative show! I hope you will visit the gallery in person if you are in the area. If that isn't possible, please visit my website for a sneak peek of everything. The La Veta Gallery is handling sales on all these items. You will find a few of these dolls in their on-line shop and they can help with any others, also. If you choose to visit in person, please check with the gallery for current open hours and restrictions
I've been planning to take a break from doll making, maybe a long one! Very soon after I made that decision and put away materials so that I had some elbow room I had another idea. What if I made a head form by sewing a simple cloth shape, stuffed it with fiberfil and sculpted it with a bit of hand stitching? I could build it up with layers of paper strips and paste. That was easily accomplished with our hot, dry climate shortening drying times to almost nothing. I made a face on the surface of the dry form with polymer clay. My original idea was to stack several heads together with a cord running through the center of each one so that they could hang like a big necklace. I scaled back my plan and made the character you see above. The wooden box I used for his body became a puppet stage. The puppets represent those competing inner voices that urge us with a "Yeah" and a "Nope". The arms were donated by a doll I made years ago. I was unable to remove the pinwheel without damage to the arm, so it stayed. He is thinking maybe,"Yeah", or maybe, "Nope". The answer depends on which way the wind blows. This piece will be part of a show at The La Veta Gallery on Main, La Veta, Colorado, beginning July 24.
March 2022
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